PowerShaper Monitor

PowerShaper Monitor is the Smart Meter data collection and visualisation element of the service. We gather half hourly meter data from the DCC via Hildebrand’s Glowmarkt service.

Prior to 2024, the DCC service was supplied by N3RGY. On 18th March 2024, the connection with N3RGY was switched off and we stopped receiving data from this service. For users to continue getting their data, they are required to reconsent with Hildebrand using the updated signup process.

At the point of the changeover to Hildebrand, it was decided that we would no longer offer the service by subscription. The service is still open to members and project participants as well as anybody who had an existing subscription. It is still possible to grant free meters to potential users who contact Carbon Co-op directly.

The key elements are discussed in

As well as the UI on app.powershaper.io, users can also access their smart meter data via the PowerShaper Monitor API. Documentation for this can be found at https://app.powershaper.io/meters/api/docs/.

Documentation and details for the Glowmarkt API can be found at the following locations