Existing Commercial Products

Domestic DSR / flex services

We restrict our consideration here to the technical aspects of commercially available domestic demand side response services and products.


ev.energy offer a few different services aimed at both consumers and businesses in different markets which seek to enable flex with EV chargers. This is done through partnerships with EVSE manufacturers as well as OCPP support. The consumer offering is based around a smartphone app.

Octopus Intelligent Agile / KrakenFlex

Octopus has started with a range of domestic flex services. The main one is an Intelligent Agile tariff which rewards customers for reducing demand during specific times (notified by email) which appears to be selling this capacity into a National Grid scheme. The other is direct control of EV chargers over both cloud and OCPP connectors with associated reduced charging costs.

Ovo VCharge/Home Energy Storage/V2G

Ovo Energy (a UK supplier) are developing a range of domestic demand side response products and services. Their storage heater controller service VCharge has been active for a number of years. Participating in the service requires switching to Ovo as the supplier and using their provided smart meter, and is only compatible with supplied equipment.

This is similar to the forthcoming Home Energy Storage and Vehicle to Grid products and accompanying demand response services.

Moixa Smart Battery and GridShare

Moixa offer customers taking its Smart Battery participation in its GridShare service where customers are paid either £50 per year or a 50% profit share to allow the battery to be controlled remotely.

The service is only compatible with Moixa products currently (although GridShare is being marketed as a commercial aggregator platform so presumably is capable of interacting with DER assets from other manufacturers).

Sonnen Community

Smart meter data services

Hugo Energy

This is a smartphone app which provides free access to smart meter data and provides a range of services on top (switching comparison, carbon estimates, phatom load estimates).

Loop Energy

This is a mainly smartphone app which provides free access to (electricity) smart meter data and provides a range of services on top (solar/battery value esimates,phantom load estimates, energy saving tips).