MQTT Server

The open source Mosquitto MQTT server is included in the HEMS software distribution in a seperate docker container. The Mosquitto server is available at

Immersion Switch Integration

Shelly switches are used to add control to an existing immersion system. The Shelly integration and control is handled by MQTT rather than a custom component. This method was chosen as it provides autodiscovery and configuration.

The integration is handled by the script as detailed on the HA Forum

Rest API based custom component integrations such as ShellyForHASS may also be investigated.

  1. Install the hardware correctly.

  2. Veryify that a new WiFi network is available - shelly1-XXXXXX

  3. Connect to this network and navigate your browser to

  4. Verify that your Shelly switch is toggling as expected using the web interface

  5. Change the Shelly WiFi configuration to use client mode, and connect it to the ccoop-hems-xxx network. The password is the Balena device name - you can find this by logging into BalenaCloud.

Set Shelly WiFi to client mode
  1. The Shelly will now restart in client mode and connect to the wifi network. Find the new IP address of the Shelly using arp-scan

  2. Under “Advanced - Developer Settings” enable MQTT.

Shelly One MQTT configuration
  1. Insert the Pi IP address in the server field, along with the MQTT port - it should always be

  2. Save the configuration.

EVSE Charger Integration